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Class: SpecimenStorageActivity

An activity in which a specimen is stored or maintained in a particular location, container, or state. Unlike 'processing' activities, storage does not alter the intrinsic physical nature of a specimen.

URI: ccdh:SpecimenStorageActivity



  • is_a: Entity - Any resource that has its own identifier

Referenced by class



  • date_started 0..1
    • Description: The date when the activity began (in this case, a storage event).
    • Range: TimePoint
  • date_ended 0..1
    • Description: The date when the activity ended (in this case, a storage event).
    • Range: TimePoint
  • duration 0..1
    • Description: The length of time over which the activity was performed.
    • Range: Quantity
  • performed_by 0..1
    • Description: The organization or group that performed the activity.
    • Range: Organization
  • method_type 0..1
    • Description: A specific type of method or procedure performed to store the specimen
    • Range: enum_CCDH_SpecimenStorageActivity_method_type
    • Examples: ambient temperature, cut slide, fresh, frozen at -70C, frozen at -150C, frozen in liquid nitrogen, frozen in vapor phase, paraffin block, RNAlater at 4C
  • container 0..*
    • Description: A container in which the specimen is held or affixed during its storage.
    • Range: SpecimenContainer

Other properties

Comments: Think of the StorageActivity as being one of many possible periods when the specimen was stored at some location and in some state or condition. We may want to capture storage dates and conditions for each.