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Class: Treatment

Represent medication administration or other treatment types.

URI: ccdh:Treatment



  • is_a: Entity - Any resource that has its own identifier

Referenced by class



  • id 0..1
    • Description: The 'logical' identifier of the entity within the system of record. The simple value of this attribute stands for an identifier of this data object within the system, it can be used as a reference from other objects within the same system (i.e. primary and foreign keys), and it should be unique per type of object. The same data object copied to a different system will likely have a different "id" in the new system since "id" values are system specific and do not represent persistent business identifiers. Business identifiers are assigned outside the information system and are captured in the "identifier" field. The "id" field is more likely to be a serially or randomly generated value that is assigned to the data object as it is created in a system.
    • Range: CcdhString
  • identifier 0..*
    • Description: A 'business' identifier or accession number for the entity, typically as provided by an external system or authority, that are globally unique and persist across implementing systems. Also, since these identifiers are created outside the information system through a specific business process, the Identifier type has additional attributes to capture this additional metadata so the actual identifier values are qualified by the context that created those values. This additional context allows "identifier" instances to be transmitted as business data across systems while still being able to trace them back to the system of origin.
    • Range: Identifier
  • treatment_for_diagnosis 0..*
    • Description: The diagnosis for which this treatment is intended.
    • Range: Diagnosis
  • concurrent_treatment 0..*
    • Description: Treatment instance(s) that are concurrent with this treatment.
    • Range: Treatment
  • treatment_type 0..1
    • Description: The type of treatment administered, which may include medication/therapeutics or other procedures.
    • Range: enum_CCDH_Treatment_treatment_type
    • Examples: Ablation, Radiofrequency, Stem Cell Transplantation, Ablation, Cryo Ablation, Ethanol Injection Ablation, Microwave Ablation
  • subject 0..1
    • Description: The subject (person, animal, model system) to which the treatment was administered.
    • Range: Subject
  • date_started 0..1
    • Description: The timepoint at which the treatment started.
    • Range: TimePoint
  • date_ended 0..1
    • Description: The timepoint at which the treatment ended.
    • Range: TimePoint
  • treatment_end_reason 0..*
  • regimen 0..1
  • therapeutic_agent 0..1
    • Description: One or more therapeutic agents that are administered as part of this treatment.
    • Range: Substance
  • number_of_cycles 0..1
    • Description: The number of treatment cycles the subject received.
    • Range: CcdhInteger
  • treatment_frequency 0..1
    • Description: The frequency of using the substance described by this instance.
    • Range: enum_CCDH_Treatment_treatment_frequency
    • Examples: Every Hour, Five Times Daily, Four Times Daily, Three Times Daily
  • treatment_anatomic_site 0..1
    • Description: The anatomical site that the treatment targets.
    • Range: BodySite
  • treatment_intent 0..1
  • treatment_effect 0..1
  • treatment_outcome 0..1
    • Description: The final outcome of the treatment.
    • Range: enum_CCDH_Treatment_treatment_outcome
    • Examples: Complete Response, Mixed Response, No Measurable Disease, No Response, Partial Response, Persistent Disease

Other properties

Comments: This entity is overloaded with the idea of medication/substance based treatments, and other more procedure-like interventions that are also considered to be a treatment. We should probably separate these concerns and it will be useful to have a "Procedure" entity long term. If that is done, this entity will be renamed to "MedicationTreatment" or something like that and the other concerns refactored out to other entities. Also, if we can consider a medication/substance based treatment as a procedure as well (which is commonly the case in other models), we can make this entity more about the individual doses for such treatments if that level of granularity is needed.