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Slot: method_type

A type of method used in generating each of the Observations bundled in the set, in this case, the particular staging system being used to classify the cancer.

URI: ccdh:cancerStageObservationSet__method_type

Domain and Range

CancerStageObservationSet0..* enum_CCDH_CancerStageObservationSet_method_type



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Comments: This may be a type of observational, measurement, experimental, or computational method specifying how to generate data (e.g. 'manual counting', 'bright field microscopy'). Or a Guideline or SOP specifying how to interpret data and/or encode the result of an Observation (e.g. a Cancer Staging system such as that defined by the AJCC, or variant interpretation guideline such as that provided by the ACMG).
Examples: AJCC staging system 1st edition
AJCC staging system 2nd edition
AJCC staging system 3rd edition
AJCC staging system 4th edition
AJCC staging system 5th edition
AJCC staging system 6th edition
AJCC staging system 7th edition
AJCC staging system 8th edition
Ann Arbor staging system
COG Liver staging system
COG Renal staging system
Enneking MSTS staging system
FIGO staging system
IGCCCG staging system
INRG staging system
INSS staging system
IRS staging system
ISS staging system
Masaoka staging system
Unspecified staging system
Indirect Mappings: GDC:Diagnosis.ajcc_staging_system_edition