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Enum: enum_CCDH_DimensionalObservation_observation_type

Types of measurements that describe the physical dimensions of an entity (e.g. a Specimen)

URI: ccdh:enum_CCDH_DimensionalObservation_observation_type

Other properties

Permissible Values

Text Description Meaning Other Information
length The length of a three-dimensional specimen, as measured in a plane perpendicular to the planes in which the width and height of the specimen are measured.
width The width of a three-dimensional specimen, as measured in a plane perpendicular to the planes in which the length and height of the specimen are measured.
longest_dimension The measured extent of the longest straight path across a specimen.
shortest_dimension The measured extent of the shortest straight path across a specimen.
intermediate_dimension The measured extent of the intermediate straight path across a specimen.
surface_area The total surface area of the specimen