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Enum: enum_CCDH_EnvironmentalExposureObservation_observation_type

Types of observations about a Subject's environmental exposures.

URI: ccdh:enum_CCDH_EnvironmentalExposureObservation_observation_type

Other properties

Permissible Values

Text Description Meaning Other Information
asbestos_exposure The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether the patient was exposed to asbestos.
coal_dust_exposure The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether a patient was exposed to fine powder derived by the crushing of coal.
radon_exposure The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether the patient was exposed to radon.
respirable_crystalline_silica_exposure The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether a patient was exposed to respirable crystalline silica, a widespread, naturally occurring, crystalline metal oxide that consists of different forms including quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, tripoli, ganister, chert and novaculite.
type_of_smoke_exposure The text term used to describe the patient's specific type of smoke exposure.