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Enum: enum_CCDH_HistologicalCompositionObservation_observation_type

Types of measurements that describe microscopic characteristics of a specimen - typically related to its cellular and tissue composition.

URI: ccdh:enum_CCDH_HistologicalCompositionObservation_observation_type

Other properties

Permissible Values

Text Description Meaning Other Information
number_proliferating_cells Numeric value that represents the count of proliferating cells determined during pathologic review of the sample slide(s).
percent_eosinophil_infiltration Numeric value to represent the percentage of infiltration by eosinophils in a tumor sample or specimen.
percent_granulocyte_infiltration Numeric value to represent the percentage of infiltration by granulocytes in a tumor sample or specimen.
percent_inflam_infiltration Numeric value to represent local response to cellular injury, marked by capillary dilatation, edema and leukocyte infiltration; clinically, inflammation is manifest by redness, heat, pain, swelling and loss of function, with the need to heal damaged tissue.
percent_lymphocyte_infiltration Numeric value to represent the percentage of infiltration by lymphocytes in a solid tissue normal sample or specimen.
percent_monocyte_infiltration Numeric value to represent the percentage of monocyte infiltration in a sample or specimen.
percent_necrosis Numeric value to represent the percentage of cell death in a malignant tumor sample or specimen.
percent_neutrophil_infiltration Numeric value to represent the percentage of infiltration by neutrophils in a tumor sample or specimen.
percent_normal_cells Numeric value to represent the percentage of normal cell content in a malignant tumor sample or specimen.
percent_stromal_cells Numeric value to represent the percentage of reactive cells that are present in a malignant tumor sample or specimen but are not malignant such as fibroblasts, vascular structures, etc.
percent_tumor_cells Numeric value that represents the percentage of infiltration by tumor cells in a sample.
percent_tumor_nuclei Numeric value to represent the percentage of tumor nuclei in a malignant neoplasm sample or specimen.
tumor_infiltrating_lymphocytes Measure of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes
non_tumor_tissue_area The area within a sample that is represented by non-tumor tissue.
tumor_tissue_area The area within a sample that is comprised of tumor tissue.
analysis_area The total area of a sample that is used for analysis.
analysis_area_percentage_stroma The percentage of the analysis area that is represented by stromal tissue.
analysis_area_percentage_tumor The percentage of the analysis area that is represented by tumor tissue.
analysis_area_percentage_glass The area of a sample on a slide that is represented by glass; the area of the sample that represents gaps in the sample.
analysis_area_percentage_pigmented_tumor The area of a sample on a slide that is represented by pigmented tumor tissue, which will be analyzed.