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Enum: enum_CCDH_SpecimenQuantityObservation_observation_type

Measures related to the quantity of a specimen or analyte it currently contains - e.g. its weight, volume, or concentration.

URI: ccdh:enum_CCDH_SpecimenQuantityObservation_observation_type

Other properties

Permissible Values

Text Description Meaning Other Information
weight The current weight of the specimen, at the time of recording (as opposed to an initial weight before its processing or portioning).
volume The current total volume of the specimen, at the time of recording.
concentration The concentration of an extracted analyte that is present in a specimen (specifically, in a specimen of type 'analyte', or an 'aliquot' derived from an analyte). For example, the concentration of DNA in a specimen created through extracting DNA from a blood sample.