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Enum: enum_CCDH_Subject_cause_of_death

Autogenerated Enumeration for CRDC-H Subject cause_of_death

URI: ccdh:enum_CCDH_Subject_cause_of_death

Other properties

Comments: Name according to TCCM: "CRDC-H.Subject.cause_of_death"

Permissible Values

Text Description Meaning Other Information
Infection Infection
Not Reported Not Reported
Surgical Complications Surgical Procedure Complication
Not Cancer Related
Toxicity Toxicity
End-stage Renal Disease Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Renal Disorder, NOS Renal Disorder, NOS
Cardiovascular Disorder, NOS Cardiovascular Disorder, NOS
Cancer Related
Unknown Unknown