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Enum: enum_CCDH_TobbaccoExposureObservation_observation_type

Types of observations about a Subject's exposure to or use of tobacco.

URI: ccdh:enum_CCDH_TobbaccoExposureObservation_observation_type

Other properties

Permissible Values

Text Description Meaning Other Information
cigarettes_per_day The average number of cigarettes smoked per day.
pack_years_smoked Numeric computed value to represent lifetime tobacco exposure defined as number of cigarettes smoked per day x number of years smoked divided by 20.
tobacco_smoking_onset_year The year in which the participant began smoking.
tobacco_smoking_quit_year The year in which the participant quit smoking.
years_smoked Numeric value (or unknown) to represent the number of years a person has been smoking.
smoking_frequency The text term used to generally describe how often the patient smokes.
time_between_waking_and_first_smoke The text term used to describe the approximate amount of time elapsed between the time the patient wakes up in the morning to the time they smoke their first cigarette.
environmental_tobacco_smoke_exposure The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether a patient was exposed to smoke that is emitted from burning tobacco, including cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. This includes tobacco smoke exhaled by smokers.
tobacco_smoking_status Category describing current smoking status and smoking history as self-reported by a patient.
type_of_tobacco_used The text term used to describe the specific type of tobacco used by the patient.