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Slot: primary_diagnosis_condition

The text term used to describe the type of malignant disease, as categorized by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O). This attribute represents the disease that qualified the subject for inclusion on the ResearchProject

URI: ccdh:researchSubject__primary_diagnosis_condition

Domain and Range

ResearchSubject0..1 enum_CCDH_ResearchSubject_primary_diagnosis_condition



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Other properties

Comments: In cases where a data source does not have sufficiently detailed information on the diagnosis that qualified a subject for inclusion on a ResearchProject in order to instantiate a Diagnosis entity, the primary_diagnosis_condition attribute should be populated when available.
Examples: Acinar Cell Neoplasms
Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas
Adnexal and Skin Appendage Neoplasms
Direct Mappings: GDC:Case.disease_type