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Class: Entity

Any resource that has its own identifier

URI: crdch:Entity



  • AlcoholExposureObservation - A structured object that describes a single data item about an individual's exposure to alcohol, as generated through a point-in-time observation, measurement, or interpretation.
  • BiologicProduct - A living organism, or a metabolically active biological system such as a cell culture, tissue culture, or organoid that is maintained or propagated in vitro.
  • BodySite - A site in the body of an organism, typically described in terms of an anatomical location and optional qualifiers (e.g. left/right, upper/lower). But body sites as defined here may include 'non-anatomic' sites, such as the location of an implanted medical device.
  • CancerGradeObservation - A data structure with key (observation_type) and value (value_codeable_concept) attributes that represents a single cancer grade observation
  • CancerGradeObservationSet - A structured object to hold related data items about the grade of cancer (e.g. overall, primary gleason, secondary gleason, etc.).
  • CancerStageObservation - A data structure with key (observation_type) and value (value_codeable_concept) attributes that represents a single cancer staging observation, such as the Clinical Metastasis (M) component of a clinical TNM staging.
  • CancerStageObservationSet - A structured object to hold related data items about the staging of cancer (e.g. overall, T, N, and M components of a Cancer Staging observation).
  • CodeableConcept - A representation of a concept that may be defined by or mapped to one or more codes in code systems (terminologies, ontologies, dictionaries, code sets, etc) - but may also be defined by the provision of text.
  • Coding - A structured representation of a coded/enumerated data value, that includes additional metadata about the code and code system.
  • Diagnosis - A collection of characteristics that describe an abnormal condition of the body as assessed at a point in time. May be used to capture information about neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions.
  • DimensionalObservation - A structured object that describes a single data item about the physical dimensions of an entity (e.g. length width, area), as generated through a point-in-time observation or measurement.
  • DimensionalObservationSet - A set of one or more discrete observations about the physical dimensions of an object (e.g. length, width, area).
  • Document - A collection of information intented to be understood together as a whole, and codified in human-readable form.
  • EnvironmentalExposureObservation - A structured object that describes a single data item about an individual's exposure to an environmental factor, as generated through a point-in-time observation, measurement, or interpretation.
  • ExecutionConditionObservation - A structured object that describes how long certain parts on an activity took to complete, as determined through a point-in-time observation or measurement.
  • ExecutionTimeObservation - A structured object that describes how long certain parts on an activity took to complete, as determined through a point-in-time observation or measurement.
  • Exposure - Contact between an agent and a target. A state of contact or close proximity to a medicinal product, chemical, pathogen, radioisotope or other substance.
  • HistologicalCompositionObservation - An observation about characteristics of a specimen at a microscopic level - typically related to its cellular or tissue composition. (e.g. how many cells in the specimen are of a given type, or exhibit a particular cellular phenotype).
  • HistologicalCompositionObservationSet - A set of one or more discrete observations that quantify the relative or absolute composition of a specimen at cellular level - e.g. how many cells in the specimen are of a given type, or exhibit a particular cellular phenotype.
  • Identifier - An Identifier is associated with a unique object or entity within a given system.
  • Observation - A structured object that describes a single data item about an entity, as generated through a point-in-time observation, measurement, or interpretation.
  • ObservationSet - A structured object to hold related data items about an entity, as generated through a point-in-time observation, measurement, or interpretation.
  • Organization - A grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose such as a data coordinating center, an university, or an institute within a university
  • Quantity - A structured object to represent an amount of something (e.g., weight, mass, length, duration of time) - including a value and unit.
  • ResearchProject - A process where a researcher or organization plans and then executes a series of steps intended to increase the field of healthcare-related knowledge.
  • ResearchSubject - A research subject is the entity of interest in a research study, typically a human being or an animal, but can also be a device, group of humans or animals,
  • Specimen - Any material taken as a sample from a biological entity (living or dead), or from a physical object or the environment. Specimens are usually collected as an example of their kind, often for use in some investigation.
  • SpecimenContainer - A vessel in which a specimen is held or to which it is attached - for storage or as a substrate for growth (e.g. a cell culture dish) or analysis (e.g. a microscope slide or 96-well plate)
  • SpecimenCreationActivity - The process of creating a specimen. This may occur through observing and/or collecting material from an biological source or natural setting, or through derivation from an existing specimen (e.g. via portioning or aliquoting).
  • SpecimenProcessingActivity - An activity that modifies the physical structure, composition, or state of a specimen. Unlike SpecimenCreation, SpecimenProcessing activities do not result in the generation of new entities - they take a single specimen as input, and output that same specimen.
  • SpecimenQualityObservation - A structured object that describes a characteristic of a specimen indicative of its quality or suitability for use, as generated through a point-in-time observation or measurement.
  • SpecimenQuantityObservation - A structured object that describes a single data item about the quantity of an entity, as generated through a point-in-time observation or measurement.
  • SpecimenStorageActivity - An activity in which a specimen is stored or maintained in a particular location, container, or state. Unlike 'processing' activities, storage does not alter the
  • SpecimenTransportActivity - An activity through which a specimen is transported between locations or organizations.
  • Subject - Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services.
  • Substance - A type of material substance, or instance thereof, as used in a particular application. May include information about the role the substance played in a particular application.
  • TimePeriod - A period of time between a start and end time point.
  • TimePoint - A structured representation of a single point in time that allows direct/explicit declaration as a dateTime, specification in terms of offset from a defined index, or description of an event type as a proxy for the time point when it occurred.
  • TobaccoExposureObservation - A structured object that describes a single data item about an individual's exposure to tobacco, as generated through a point-in-time observation, measurement, or interpretation.
  • Treatment - Represent medication administration or other treatment types.

Referenced by class
