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Slot: degree_of_dysplasia

A term describing the nature/extent of abnormal cells that are not cancer, as observed upon microscopic assessment of a specimen. Records the degree of dysplasia for the cyst or lesion under consideration.

CodeableConcept Binding: This property has a Range of CodeableConcept. One of the Codings in this CodeableConcept instance should be populated with values from enum_CRDCH_Specimen_degree_of_dysplasia.

URI: crdch:specimen__degree_of_dysplasia

Domain and Range

Specimen0..1 CodeableConcept



Used by

Other properties

Examples: Normal or basal cell hyperplasia or metaplasia
Mild dysplasia
Moderate dysplasia
Severe dysplasia
Carcinoma in Situ
Direct Mappings: HTAN:Biospecimen.DegreeofDysplasia