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Class: SpecimenProcessingActivity

An activity that modifies the physical structure, composition, or state of a specimen. Unlike SpecimenCreation, SpecimenProcessing activities do not result in the generation of new entities - they take a single specimen as input, and output that same specimen.

URI: crdch:SpecimenProcessingActivity



  • is_a: Entity - Any resource that has its own identifier

Referenced by Class



  • activity_type 0..1
    • Description: The high-level type of processing activity
    • Range: CodeableConcept
    • Examples: Fixation, Freezing, Mounting, Preservation
  • date_started 0..1
    • Description: The date when the activity began (in this case, a specimen processing event).
    • Range: TimePoint
  • date_ended 0..1
    • Description: The date when the activity began (in this case, a specimen processing event).
    • Range: TimePoint
  • duration 0..*
    • Description: The length of time over which the activity was performed.
    • Range: Quantity
  • performed_by 0..1
    • Description: The organization or group that performed the activity.
    • Range: Organization
  • method_type 0..1
    • Description: A specific type of method or procedure performed to process the specimen
    • Range: CodeableConcept
    • Examples: Snap Freezing, Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen (dead tissue), Cryopreservation in dry ice (dead tissue), Formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE), Formalin fixed-unbuffered, Formalin fixed-buffered, OCT
  • additive 0..*
    • Description: A type of material or reagent used as input when processing the specimen
    • Range: Substance
    • Example: Formalin
  • execution_time_observation 0..*
    • Description: Information describing how long certain parts on an activity took to complete.
    • Range: ExecutionTimeObservation
  • execution_condition_observation 0..*
    • Description: Information describing the environmental conditions in which an activity, or a specific part of an activity, was performed.
    • Range: ExecutionConditionObservation

Other properties

Comments: "Processing" as defined here alters the physical nature of a specimen, such that storage or transport activities do not qualify as processing activities. When instantiating this class, create a separate instances for each type/method of processing performed (e.g. each method of fixation, freezing, labeling, etc. that is applied).